外苑クリテリウムでは毎年、海外の大学から選手を招待しています。今回来日したのはオーストラリア メルボルン大学の3選手。

レース出場のほか、前日開催の大学自転車競技フォーラムでもDavid Randall選手がパネラーとして登壇し同国の自転車レース環境などを聞くことができました。
メルボルン大学は2016年度(2017年3月)外苑クリテでも来日しています。パネラー登壇のDavid Randall選手は2回目の参加でした。

滞在時に3選手をアテンドした星野 琢彦さん(筑波大学)より、メルボルン大選手からのメッセージと日本語大意訳を頂きました。英語メッセージと星野さんによる大意訳を併記します。
Miss EmmaChiltern
“I knew there were two Japanese track riders on the start line who would be dangerous, especially in a sprint finish, so was pretty keen to break away if I had an opportunity. Unfortunately it stayed together and I followed the sprinter Aika Nakamura and finished 3rd in the final sprint. Racing overseas is always a great experience and it was a great race!”

Mr.David Randall
“Two years ago I missed the top 10 and I wanted to get there this time around. Unfortunately Tom had a flat tyre early in the race so I had to cover any dangerous moves and try to position myself in the finish. The strongest teams in the race, especially Nihon, Waseda, Keio, and Chuo University, were organised and looked after their sprinters for the finish, with Nihon’s Keitaro Sawada (the kilo sprint record holder) taking the win while I finished 8th. I was pretty happy with that given the strength of the field!”
David Randall選手
Mr.Tom Benton
“I was super disappointed to flat and miss out on racing for the win in the Gaien Criterium.
After only a short ride, I had energy to burn the day after and suggested we go do a scenic ride outside of Tokyo. Our host, Tak, came up with a route and we rode up an absolutely brutal climb. Thankfully, the views at the top were stunning, and made the effort worthwhile.”
Tom Benton選手


<編集後記>学連ウォッチャー 深井
※日本人選手の活躍は本編「RCS最終戦 第13回 明治神宮外苑クリテリウム」ページをご覧ください。